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Bill DeSmedt has spent his life living by his wits and his words.

In his time, and as the spirit has moved him, he’s been: a Soviet Area expert and Soviet exchange student, a computer programmer and system designer, a consultant to startups and the Fortune 500, an Artificial Intelligence researcher, a son, a husband and lover, a father and grandfather, an omnivorous reader with a soft spot for science fiction and science non-fiction, and now, Lord help us, a novelist.

He’s tried to pack as much of that checkered history as he could into his first novel, Singularity.

Bill lives with his wife of 37 years in Milford, Pennsylvania, a town whose long tradition in speculative literature serves as a constant source of inspiration. He is currently hard at work on a sequel to Singularity to be called Dualism.

copyright (c) 2004 by amber productions, inc.

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